Friday, July 21, 2017


So i decided that instead of finding someone to listen to my problems, i will vent through the interweb.

Many years ago a man came into my life and helped me realized that not all men are the same. Not all women are the same. We are all individuals, with different skills, wants, and needs. I seem to be very different around different people. Closing myself off to some while being overly open with others. Generally i find that i have a low tolerance for people in general. And that i enjoy spending a majority of time outside of work alone.  As this happens, i ask myself why? What is making me not want to be around anyone? Why am i feeling upset or sad. Why is it that sometimes i cant identify what i am feeling?

TBI Blog Post


What are the main problems for the individual, and their family?

How do the problems affect functioning in daily life?

What are the personal goals of the suffering individual?

To what extent are the executive deficits related to other problems in areas such as language, memory, and perception?

How do the individuals abilities compare to those who are non-disabled or share the same disability?

How is this person and their familities coping?

-Cognitive and physical
+processing speed
+Executive dysfunction
-Communication,  inability to understand
-Social and emotional

Adjusting to the day to day life with severe frontal lobe TBI. Long term effects How TBI influences life choices.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

My Spinal Cord Injury 3/30/2017+

Hello My name is Anna Jones. I am a Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor and Success story. Everyday I count my blessings. Today I am counting every moment.
One Two
Day one of my new routine. Working 1st shift in a new home with a new company, everything is going as planned. Nothing out of the ordinary other than the confusion of how i am going to enter the patient's home. It is now after work, I go home to change out of my scrubs and into something suitable to wear to as first date of picnic and hiking. It is such a beautiful day out, i couldnt have expected anything better. He packed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, my favorite flavor of chips, cookies, and real soda.  Sitting on a bench down the trail, we had a conversation that only friends of many years would have. As well as a stuffed fox, that i named foxtrot. The way his eyes light up, mesmerized me. The best part of all, was that i made it through the entire hiking trail without peeing my pants. Well, i guess we should head to Madison, Dungeons and Dragons starts at 5. 
Three Four
It is 9:30pm. We are singing along to our favorite songs with the windows down on this cool spring evening. Wind blowing through our hair. We are so close to my home, I cant wait for him to kiss me goodnight. Turning left onto Lily Flagg, I see headlights, hear the screeching of tires. A car hits where i am sitting going 55 miles an hour. The car flips twice before landing on its side, trapping me in it. I look up to see bright lights; and hear the voice i have been listening to all day, screaming. I can feel the all too familiar feeling of blood running down my face. As i look up to grab the hand that is reaching down to me from the outside of the car, i see my finger flapping in the breeze. The man i was in the car with is asking me if i am okay. He is crying and begging for me to be okay. "Im so sorry" he repeats. I grab ahold of his hand with my already numb hand. "Dont let go" I plea. There is a face of a woman in blue looking down at me. She asks if i am okay, i reply "I have a brain injury, I can feel blood running down my face. Im okay, take care of Kelton." Another paramedic rushes to my attention. "I have to pee." "You might as well go no, because this is going to take a while." A blanket was thrown down to me to cover myself up with. They broke the windshield in, i climbed out. "This way" a cop said to me motioning twords the ambulance. I told them to wait a minute. "Im going to give him a kiss before i get in. After doing so i asked that they hand me my phone and purse. My phone was in a pile of glass in the middle of the road next to the car. In the ambulance, was a gentleman sitting, I asked if he was the driver of the other car. He was, and i got to shake his hand. Kelton rode upfront and called my mom to let her know what happened on the way to huntsville hospital. 
Five Six
Beep beep. I hear my vitals dropping. Stabilizing. Dropping. Stabilizing. Unfamiliar faces come into my vision. "Hi Anna, this is Robert. Kelton's father. I had him wait outside, would you like him to come in?" "I dont want him to see me like this." Too late, he was already beside me. Holding my good hand, the left one. "Hi Anna, Im Lisa. Kelton's mom. Would you like me to clean off some of this blood from your face?" "Yes, please. Could you also put some blankets on me, im cold." Even though i had 4 blankets ontop of me, it was until they injected the dye for the contrast CT that i was able to be warm. "Anna" I knew my mom was there, even if i couldnt see her. When i was finally able to i saw the familiar facial expression that i had not seen since November 2003. 
Its now 3:30 a.m. The doctor just now is getting into see me. Anna, you have a laceration of your middle finger on your right hand, along with several abrations. You also have a laceration on the left side of your forehead which we are going to staple. Several nurses and techs came and left, poking and prodding. Finally the doctor comes into sew my finger back on and staple my forehead. No fluid or medication. His family was there with me the entire time, because he didnt want to leave me and they were his ride home.
Seven Eight
I walk to the car, with my mom and Joe. Driving back to their house, my mom and Joe were talking about me being able to fall asleep when we got to their house. "Dont worry" I told them "Im going to crash when we get back to your house." "Youve already done that" Joe said "So make sure we are back home before you do it again."
Nine Ten
The next morning I couldnt see through the tears, to see what time it was. All i knew was that i needed medication and fast. My mom drives me to the pharmacy and picks up some medication. What they gave me at the hospital didnt last even 8 hours. At this point I realize that i have lost the level of independence that I continuously fight and work so hard to keep. My mom wants someone around me around the clock, I cant argue with it because of my current condition. She drives me back to my house, where she sets me up on the couch comfortably. Well, as comfortable as i can be wearing a neck brace and not being able to use my dominant hand. Being in constant pain. 8 out of 10 on the pain scale, even with norco(hydrocodon). Not being able to get much sleep, not only because of the pain, but because of the people coming in and out, and my already poor sleeping habits. A friend and i had to completely redesign my living room to be able to make it accessible and comfortable for me and whoever is staying with me. Also so that i would have a place to put the flowers that people bring by. I must say it looks much better. As the days go by, my pain and energy levels fluctuate. Ive called work to let them know what is going on. They cannot wait for me to get back to work and are so understanding and caring, I could not ask for better people in my life. Spoken to family up in Virginia and North Carolina about what happened. Done my best to update the friends i have, on my current condition. Kelton stayed with me as much as possible. Not only keeping me company, but helping with chores and personal care. Being nursed back to health couldnt be a better experience I had a doctor appointment for my hand. They said that i do not require surgergy at this point, bu that i will probably not have feeling in the finger where they reattached it and up. Already I have an appointment to see the spine and neurologist to see what needs to be done about my neck. The doctor assured me that the bones would heal on their own and that i would not need surgery. Over the next couple of weeks, while recovering Kelton was still by my side. His family had also grown to like me. My finger regained feeling, and i was able to return to work a month later. I survived yet another car wreck. Praise Jesus.