Friday, July 21, 2017


So i decided that instead of finding someone to listen to my problems, i will vent through the interweb.

Many years ago a man came into my life and helped me realized that not all men are the same. Not all women are the same. We are all individuals, with different skills, wants, and needs. I seem to be very different around different people. Closing myself off to some while being overly open with others. Generally i find that i have a low tolerance for people in general. And that i enjoy spending a majority of time outside of work alone.  As this happens, i ask myself why? What is making me not want to be around anyone? Why am i feeling upset or sad. Why is it that sometimes i cant identify what i am feeling?

TBI Blog Post


What are the main problems for the individual, and their family?

How do the problems affect functioning in daily life?

What are the personal goals of the suffering individual?

To what extent are the executive deficits related to other problems in areas such as language, memory, and perception?

How do the individuals abilities compare to those who are non-disabled or share the same disability?

How is this person and their familities coping?

-Cognitive and physical
+processing speed
+Executive dysfunction
-Communication,  inability to understand
-Social and emotional

Adjusting to the day to day life with severe frontal lobe TBI. Long term effects How TBI influences life choices.