Monday, August 29, 2016

Prayers and Answers

Lord, i lift up to you your angel Clara. I ask that you continue to bless her and the the wonderful people in her life. I pray that you give Matt and his mom a fighting chance to get back onto Social Security and Food stamps. I ask that you bring better health to my mother and my father. Bring peace of mind and strength to me through these trying times. Those who have done my wrong, i pray for their hearts that they may recognize what they have done. I ask that you make the necessary changes you wish to make in my life, for you know what you are doing. And you know the timing in which you wish to do them. Thank you for all that you have blessed me with. My house, my car, cats. The food on my table, the bed in my room. But thank you most of all for always being there for me lord, that is the greatest gift you could give me. Amen.

Lord, I am coming to you in my weakest of moments. Begging that you show me the reasons for the hardships that you are putting me threw. I do not see the solutions to the problems that you have faced me with. And i am tired, tired of not knowing. Not being in control of the situations around me. I am praying that you answer me, how you do so lord does not matter to me. I need you. I need your comfort and your guidance. Give me the strength to surrender to you and not give into the worldly trials and my enemies. Give me strength to keep away from those that keep me from enjoying life and being myself. I am tainted lord, and i have allowed people to do so to me. Give me wisedom to know which ones are good for me and which ones are bad for me. Also the wisedom to know what extent to trust others, and how much time and energy to put into them. Make me into the beautiful woman that you wish me to be. And give me peace of mind while you mold and shape me into her. You are powerful, and you have powerful plans for me. Amen.

Lord, i need you. I need comfort, i am unable to find peace within myself. Renew me and wipe my slate clean. I have done very horrible things, and i am sorry.

Lord, i surrender everything to you. The pain, the worrying, the problems. You have control over what happens

Lord, i ask that you remember your children matt and amy today. As i know that they are going through a very rough time. I pray you bring me wisedom on how to handle my personal relationships. I pray that you give me clarity on the decision that i need to make regarding college. And thank you for my mom, and her husband Joe. I hope to have them in my life for as long as possible. And that there not be so much bitterness between my mom and i. That you again remove the individuals out of my life, if they do not serve a good purpose or lesson. And that you bring those who will help me grow into my life.

Thank you lord for answering my unspoken prayer of being able to feel my finger again. Thank you for showing me the guardian angel that you set for me through the expirience of a car crash. Thank you lord for the lessons that it has taught me. And the reminder of what you continue to bless me with. Your grace, your humbleness and your love. Lord, i lift up to your angel Kelton. Please relieve him of the guilt that burdens him. The guilt of the injuries that i sustained in the car crash that he caused. Please give him the confidence to become the (wo)man that he wants to be. I pray that you give him the strength to show his parents who he is becoming, and how he really wants to be. Thank you for blessing him with a new car and a tax return. Amen.

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