Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Do open your hearts to us again, enlarge them to take us in we have wronged no one, we have betrayed or corrupted no one, we have cheated or taken advantage of no one.
I do not say this to reproach or condemn you for I have said before that you are nested in our hearts and you will remain there together with us whether we die or live.
I have great boldness and free fearless confidence and cheerful Courage towards you my pride and you is great I am filled brimful with comfort of it will with all our tribulation and in Spite of it I am filled with comfort I am overflowing with joy.
II Corinthians 7:2-4
Genesis 2:18, 3:16
Corinthians 11:7
the godly wife doesn't worry about what the future may bring she smiles at the future because she knows the Lord is in control of everything.
Proverbs 31:30
Be subjective to one another out of reverence for Christ the Messiah the anointed one wives be subject to your own husbands as a service to the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the had of the church himself the Savior of his body. As the church is subject to Christ so let wives also be subject and everything to their husbands. husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her so that he might sanctify her having Cleansed her by the washing of water with the word that he might present the church to himself and glorious splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such things that she might be unholy and Faultless even so husbands should love their wives as being in a sense their own bodies he who loves his own wife loves himself for no man hated his own flesh but nourishes it carefully protects and cherishes it as Christ does the church because we are members or parts of his body for this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. this Mystery is very great but I speak concerning the relation of Christ and the church however let each man of you without exception love his wife as being a sense is very own self and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband that she notices him regards him honors and prefers to him, venetrates, and esteems him and that she defers to him praise him and loves and admires and exceedingly
Ephesians 5:21-33
sharpens iron so a man sharpens his countenance of his friend to show rage or worth or purpose
Proverbs 27:17
Be not envious of evil men nor desire to be with them for their minds pot oppressive and divides violence and their lips talk of causing trouble and vexation through skillful and godly wisdom a house I live at home a family built in my understanding it established on the sound of a good foundation and by knowledge Shall it's chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches a wise man is strong and is better than a strong man and a man of knowledge increases and strengthens his power for my wife counts so you may read your war and in an abundance of counselors there is victory and safety wisdom is too high for a fool he opens not his mouth and the gate where the cities ruler sit in judgment he who plans to do evil will be called a mischief maker the plans of the foolish and the thoughts of the foolish ness are sin. And the scoffer is an abomination to men. If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small deliver those who are and run away to death and those who daughter to the slaughter hold them back from their damn if you profess ignorance and say behold we did not know this does not he who weighs in Honduras the heart perceiving considerate and he who guards your life does not he know it and shall not here under to it in the you and every man according to his. My son eat honey because it is good in the droppings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste so shall you know skillful and Godly wisdom to be this to your life if you find it then shall there be a future and a reward and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off why not and weight of the wicked man against the dwelling of the uncompromising Lee righteous the upright in the right standing with God destroy not his resting place for a righteous man falls seven times and rises again but the wicked are overthrown by calamity rejoice not when your enemy falls and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles or is overthrown less the Lord see it and it be evil in his eyes and displays him and he turn away his wife from him to expend it upon you the worst offender fret not because evil doers neither be envious of the wicked for there shall be no reward for the evil man the lamp of the wicked shall be put out
My son fear the Lord and the king and do not associate with those who are given to change for allegiance and our revolutionary for their calamity shall rise suddenly and who knows the punishment and ruin which both of the Lord and the king will bring upon their belly is these also are sayings of the wise to discriminate and show partiality having respect of persons in judging is not good he who says to he who says to the wicked you are righteous and innocent peoples Wilkerson nations will defy enough for him but to those up right judges who rebuke the wicked it will go well with them and they will find the light and a good blessing will be upon them he kisses the lips and wins the hearts of men who will give the right answer but first things first prepare your work outside and get it ready for yourself in the field and afterwards build your house and establish a home be not a witness against your neighbor without cause and deceive not with your lips they not I will do to you as he has done to me I will pay the man back for his deeds I went to the field of the leading man and by the vineyard of the man voice of understanding and behold it was all grown over with thorh uns and metals work covering his face in the stone wall was broken down then I bet held and considered it well I love didn't received instructions yet a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of my hands to sleep so she'll your property come as a robber and your one as an armed man
Proverbs 24
Ephesians 2:8-9
1 john 4: 7-9
Proverbs 18: 6-7
Phillipians 4:6-7
Romans 14
1 peter:4-8
Romans 5:3-8
Matthew 5
isaiah 11:1
isaiah 48:22
Proverbs 22:6
Romans 15: 1-7
Isaiah 23
John 13:7
1 Peter 2: 1-25
Romans 3: 23
Psalm 3:5, 90:10
Proverbs 11:37

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